A previous participant has said …
“Learned to evaluate myself and how my personality type can affect the way I respond to people, and how I am responded to. A very beneficial course that taught me to look at my tone of voice and how it effects the message I’m trying to convey.” – Arc Legal
What Difficult Situation, Challenging Conversation or Crucial Discussion do you need to have?
- address work behaviour or poor performance?
- deadlines always being missed or lack of attention to detail?
- work being produced with minimal effort?
- mediate members of staff who are arguing over who does what?
- certain staff always late or clock watching?
- communication breakdowns leading to conflict?
- rising number of complaints from your customers or clients?
- with parents often unexpectedly in the playground about their child’s progress, or lack of?
- challenge an employee who isn’t pulling their weight?
See below for a range of ‘Ready to Go’ live virtual classroom training courses.